This is a little something I wrote and i got a 6/6 score on it!
My name is Lia Shea O'Riley. I am 15 years old and I'm on my way to an unknown planet. Well... it's not unknown, in fact it's very known. It's called Cyrius. The most earth-like planet farthest away from earth.
You see the sun died, or really, dimmed a lot. Now it burns as bright as a cell phone screen in the daylight. This is not the only catastrophe. Over half the earth is in a serious volcanic winter, earthquakes seem to become another thing that's normal in our daily life. And my (not) favorite, a huge meteor is going to hit the earth.I myself am off the earth, but my parents are on it. At least I still have my clone, Rayne. She's the closest thing I have to family right now. Thought she's my clone, she looks nothing like me. I have black hair with blonde streaks, she has silver hair with two streaks of deep purple. My hair is short and layered, hers is long with a slight wave. We're the same height.
Before, when I was about 10, I was only a child and my parents were very patent about my whines of being lonely. While they were gone, being left with the maiden wasn't all that fun. They eventually lost their jobs because of the volcanic winter were they worked. They stayed home and I learned to love and respect my parents. I also began to realize how much I adore and look up to them. On my 11th birthday I got to go to the clone shop to organize together a clone for me.
My clone walked out and the moment I saw her, her name was painted across my lips. “Rayne,” I said and smiled at her. “Rain?” my mother questioned. “No, Rayne. R-A-Y-N-E.” I rolled my eyes and Rayne smiled back. From then on we bonded and considered ourselves sisters.
. . . .
I wake up from my dream and sit up. I took another look at my room I thought I already knew. I took in the small drawer to my left, the dresser next to it, my desk with my ViaCon (A laptop for those who don't know) to my right,sofa and small table to the far left, TV screen above the door, bathroom door adjacent to the main door, and a big, soft red bed I sit upon.
I ran my hand through my hair, got up and walked over to my ViaCon, opening the shiny red top. My screen turned blue and in a green box I typed in my password.
“Good morning Lia, Opening up the usual?” My computer said.
“Yes, I confirm, thank you.”
Instantly the sign in page popped up to The Chatroom. I logged in 128,954,673 of my friends were online. About one third, I guessed, where chatting, one third playing the awesome games and one third updating their profiles, or updating their blogs. The Chatroom, or T.C. As most call it, was something genius Rayne and I made at 13. we're pretty popular on the internet, Cyrius, Earth, school, everywhere. T.C. Wasn't really popular when we first started. Only people at our school was interested. Fortunately the numbers grew within several months and now the numbers are so high I doubt there are that many people out there.
On the Main Board people talked of the ships they where on, the meteor, parents, or Cyrius. I found Rayne chatting with other clones and humans on her board/blog she called “Rayne of the clones”. Timber Guy, or Travis, was also on. My heart began to race as I thought of Travis. When I first started out T.C., I mainly ignored him because he seemed kind of stalkerish. Eventually, one night, I gave up and typed him back a reply on instant messaging. Which resulted to him sending me a picture of him and I a picture of me. Afterwards we became really good friends. He told me one night that he's going to leave soon to Cyrius. A day later I found out that I am going too. Both Rayne and I were to go. Not my parents. I threw a raging fit, screaming at my parents that they would die because the stayed on earth and that that I refuse to go if the are not going either. I didn't want t go because of my own selfish needs for my parents, to be with them, I felt so hopeless as I sobbed in my mothers arm saying no over and over, breaking my own heart, breaking my parents heart, seeing me this way.
Supposedly the ships are humongous. After some research I saw a picture of one being built in space and almost fell over with shock. This ship I was not riding to Cyrius was about half the size of Washington state. My ticket;
Lia Shea O'Riley
One ticket
Blue line/ Sector 103/ Room 82
Depart: 5:30am January 21,2036
After explaining all this to Travis we were both surprised at his reply.
TimberGuy: This has got to be a coincidence! =/
liaXshea: what?!
TimberGuy: I'm on the same line, same day, same time and get this, I'm in the same sector. I might ru into you!
liaXshea: Wait, I get to meet you?!
TimberGuy: Wow, this is amazing. We get to meet each other! Even if you're not the girl you say you are.
liaXshea: yeah? You might not be the boy you say you are.
We both agreed to wear specific clothing to point each other out. He was going to dye his eyes electric green and wear a shirt that says ' I am me' on it. While I dyed my eyes electric blue and wore a long grey sweatshirt 9It goes to my upper thighs) with a yellow frownie face on the back.
Rayne and I had boarded along with everybody else, we found our sector and soor and settled in. our rooms where customized and that was due to our mom. Rayne's room was to the left (Her painted name was clear, above her door) and mine to the right ( my name painted as well). Both of us ran around the space in between our bedroom doors that we thought was the 'living room'. We oohed and ahhed, squealed and laughed. At the end we collapsed into the big round cushion in the middle of the space and cried for our parents, for the thoughtfulness our mother put into our room 82, for the end of earth and our sun, for the long unbearable ship flight. We cried for everything.
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