Monday, May 28, 2012


It didn't sing
but his face was singing
a silent song
you knew
each note
because those eyes,
still; like molded marble
penetrate the depths
of your thoughts
where you gather
your love for his

Zipped Tight

I'm considering not speaking.
For it's always hurting you.
I say the wrong stuff
or I say not enough,
And I do not know what to do.

You'd be happier
And my speech shall be still.
I'll continue this way,
starting today,
until I fall deathly ill.

My sarcastic tone won't wound you,
And my replies of 'OK' won't be around.
'I'm sorry's diminished,
my voice is finished,
I'll no longer make a sound

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Home Alone

Who'd have thought what I have not
because I'm caught in a knot in which my
brain is simply simple. Stumbling silly
on sancious syllables like a swanky
boy who's pants shan't fit his knees properly.
Shoot, I knew it was you, you can't be too cool
to lose a game in which you can't be a loser.
Boozer, don't do drugs also dammit.
Cannit be cool to swig a juice box, I'd rather
not drink that concoction I caution myself over.
Grover, like Sesame Street.
Lets meet, after the after party, festive but snug in
a nest I digress and confess that that shirt was a mess
with my dress, can we try not to cry over it next time?
Like a spoon.
Or the moon.
Or a white kid's ass for all I care.  

Zipped Tight

I'm considering not speaking.
For it's always hurting you.
I say the wrong stuff
or I say not enough,
And I do not know what to do.

You'd be happier
And my speech shall be still.
I'll continue this way,
starting today,
until I fall deathly ill.

My sarcastic tone won't wound you,
And my replies of 'OK' won't be around.
'I'm sorry's diminished,
my voice is finished,
I'll no longer make a sound.  

You Know That

Please don't cry...I love you...
You know that.

I said you're nothing?
You know I didn't mean it.
I hit you? I called you a what?!
I'm a bastard?

You little bitch.
Come here.

Here I come.

Why are you crying?
Come here...let me hold you.
Why are you pulling away?
I said I was sorry.
I didn't mean it.
I love you.
I would never hurt you.

You know that.

Winter Warmth

Winter Warmth
Winter draws nearer,
but I want you closer.
Snow falls fast,
so let's fall slower.

Leaves let go,
but to you I cling.
As cold sucks life,
out of everything.

You breath life into me
and warmth grows everywhere.
You kiss me slowly,
the heat within me flares.

Our lips melt together as
snow blankets us white.
We're warm and melted
as day fades to night.

Winter can show us cold,
together we make heat.
Which keeps us warm and happy
as snow melts at our feet.

In your arms I smile,
you smile too.
So much affection as we say
“I love you”

You can kiss away the hurt,
wipe away the cold.
You affection run deeply
as it's my heart you hold.

Warmth is all I feel with you.
So don't eve leave me here.
I can't retain life and warmth without you.
Please just stay and pull me near.


Where am I?
Where are you?
We're here.
You're there.

Where are you?
Where are we?
You're there.
I'm here.

Where are we?
Go somewhere else.
I'm here.
I forgot.

Go somewhere else.
We're here.
I forgot.
Where am I?