Sunday, November 14, 2010

When i met you both

Drafting Memories
If, and only if, you’re lucky a stranger will tell you how they feel. This is what I do for a hobby. I put myself in positions so it’s polite to ask how someone is. But I choose very carefully. I really don’t just plop myself down and ask how they are, it’s not like that. I study their expressions, movements. Like right now for example. I’m in the park. It’s late fall and the wind is playing with the fallen leaves, urging them to dance. Ha! That's very poetic indeed, I may even be a poet. Any how, my shoes tread the earth slowly, contemplating their next move.
Hands in pockets, fiddling with some sort of candy wrapper left to dispose of themselves, I shivered. My thing sweater really wasn't cutting it. The girl I was looking for came into view. My eager eyes found her. Heart thudding embarrassingly I cleared my throat. She had a handful of magazines. Scarcely enough room to keep hold of a cup of coffee. The bright bold red of the petticoat that she wore clashed with her shimmery strawberry blonde hair, cold bitten cheeks, black gloves and scarf. I liked the way the wind wanted her hair to dance, maybe a bit too much being that strands fluttered against her cheeks wildly.
The thing about this girl is her facial expressions. They sprawl across her face making it so easy to read how she feels. She knows how to disguise her sadness by a confident look, yet to a trained eye (like mine!) you could tell how well she wore her mask of emotions. She walked with head held high, giving the impression that she has all her life laid out before her. The moment she is distracted, however, the sadness clings to her face before being made up by a new mask. This girl caught my attention but was gone before I could even blink. But today, here she is. A man bumped into me, “Outta my way boy!” He groaned making a scene big enough for her to look to us then away. My face heated. “Sorry,” I said as the man stalked off. Trying not to stand there with my face red, I began to walk kingly to the girl as she plopped down ungracefully on a bench. As I came up into her view the glossy covers of her magazines out did themselves as they slid stealthily and crashed to the ground. She sighed, picking them up. She managed to retrieve one before I crouched to pick up the rest.
“Oh! Um,” she chuckled sitting back into the bench. “Thank you so much.” I stood up and placed the magazines next to her.
“Hey,” I said with a smirk, “no problem. Picking up mags really is something I do everyday.” I earned a smile plus a giggle. I felt happy to see the sadness vanish, even if it is for only a moment. 1
“Really? Well then, I never expected that a guy like you would help a girl like me.” She looked up at me, eyebrows raised. She spoke as if she knew me. I cocked my head with a quizzical look. “A guy like me? What exactly does that mean?”
“Well lessee. One, you are a very popular boy who goes to my school. Two, bing that you are popular you sorta are a jerk. Three, I never expected you to help me whatsoever because, four, I am a total and complete book nerd.”
Things kinda paused. Ever had a moment in life where things pause in your head just so you can work things out? Well, when you have an extremely cute girl tell you that you are a popular jerk who she never expected to be a gentleman-like (Being that 'jerk' and 'gentleman' don't have anything in common except for the beginnings that sound the same) you don't exactly feel anything except for a dull and pitiful 'duh'. I could say this is all a dream, get up and walk away but I'd really only consider this a nightmare taken that I sat there silently with this screwed up I'm-gonna-be-in-the-bathroom-a-wile look. Which, lemme tell ya, It's not all that sexy. So I squared my shoulders and pressed my mental 'play' button on life. Then I ruined my witty comment by saying, “Reading is sexy.”
“Book nerds aren't sexy, neither is reading.” She rolled her eyes.
“I saw you reading in the park this morning, you make it sexy.”
“Oh please, you don't even know me,”She crossed her legs and picked up a magazine, flipping through its contents. She deliberately put it up so I couldn't see her face as she smiled and blushed. Even still. She had a point. I didn't know her but it's apparent that she knows me. Although I don't know where she's getting at with me being popular, I don't have many good friends at Willis High. I only have a few guys that come over every once in a while and I talk to them at lunch but it's not like we are best buds. I really only keep to my self, if anything I am the nerd being I'm a senior with a 4.0 GPA.
“But you know me?” I said, sitting down next to her. “Did you know that I have no clue when you say I'm popular? I only have maybe five friends and I'm the geek here. 4.0 GPA. Not that I'm bragging I'm sure you are a straight A student also.”
The magazine lowered so only her eyes showed. My eyes drowned in her's. They where a soft green like the greed of dying grass, so lovely... Hold on. Sorry that was majorly insulting and doesn't really flow... um. Her eyes where green like the soft sleek green resembling a rose stem. I saw her like a rose, and her red petticoat really was outstanding. I'm sure that when she blossoms and her petals open up to me I'll know that she had fully trusted me to see her full beauty. Her voice slid into my thoughts breaking the spell.

“Who doesn't? I mean who doesn't know you. Sure you limit yourself to few guy friends and hardly ever look at any of the girls in school but girls still marvel over you like you are some god, they guys all want to know how you get all the attention and the fact that you keep to yourself plus not noticing makes you seem too good for us all.
“You are Seth Coren. I've known you since you first came here in 5th grade! Here we are, civil seniors seven years later and you still don't remember me. I know you I've watched how everyone grew up into their own people. I even know what happened between you and your last girlfriend, Brianna. Hell, everyone knows.” Well that finalized it. She knows me pretty well and I know zilch because I can not remember crap about this girl. “Anyway you wouldn't remember me, I have changed a lot since junior year,” She added.
My mind flew, putting puzzle pieces together every which way until I had a full picture. Her name was Alys. Alys Trinae, also known as Ditzy Alys famously known for her overly hyper personality in grade school up until sophomore year. My friends in fifth grade had named her that and the name stuck like gum in your hair.
“I remember now! Oh god I do, you where that same girl that fell when you where running around crazy and fell. Except you fell all wrong and ended up having to go to the hospital and so on.” I burst. Alys's eyes sparked at the memory, “Yeah I did. I got some stitches and the end result was a wicked scar on my neck.” I cringed.
“Ow.” We laughed. Talking more we didn't notice the falling of the sun. We talked so much that even the hurtful topic of my girlfriend came up.
“So what's up with you and Bri? I mean, why'd she really dump you?” I breathed slowly, weighing my words. “Well, let me start first with this. Sure you think I’m popular and all and that I am a jerk, I get that. I am actually a very good listener. I come to the park every day because I like to listen to people talk about their lives, be it a bad moment or the best in their days. You would not believe how emotional people are when they are excited about something!I have lots of time. I guess I could hang out with my roughly five friends or Bri but I like to be alone at some points and be with other more rather interesting people. I'm sure this is all confusing to you,” I said chuckling a little bit, “The unknown life of Seth revealed!” We both laughed at that.
“Go on,” Alys urged, facing me.
“So, every day I go out to this park and I'll find someone who looks really happy about something or the opposite and I'll say “How are you?” sometimes you'll get a 'fine' by someone upset and I'll press on with a “Are you sure?”. By then they'll want to talk. Mostly.

“Sometimes it wont work and I'll find someone else. I think that people should have a complete stranger there to spill the beans to. Someone who will listen and help them along the way. I like listening to all these people so I can help them best I can. It's like none other.” Alys smiled at my small out burst, “So I was one of your subjects? Like a client, sort of.” I blushed and looked down at my hands, “Yeah I guess you where.”
“So tell me then,” she said a devilish smile on her face. “Why me?”
I hesitated. I glanced up at her and she raised an eye brow, “Go on,” She said.
“Well, you looked sad, upset. Whatever. Normally I'd kinda just skim over people like that and see if I can find someone in a more severe state but you covered your sadness up. You held your head high as though nothing could ever bother you in the world and the world should watch out for you.” Alys looked at me and her wall broke down as the sadness washed over her face.
“Like right now for example. I can read on your face that you are sad. Why are you sad, Alys?”
“There's this girl that I like and I am not sure if she likes me back, so yeah I'm upset but also frustrated that I can't figure out if she likes me back. That's all I'm saying.” Alys refused to look directly at me. I looked at her though, her cheek where flushed by the embarrassment of her small confession and her eyes glanced wildly around her.
“So you are a lesbian, or are you bisexual,” I questioned lightly trying not to embarrass her further.
“I'm bi,” She said as she played with a magazine corner. We sat in silence for a little bit. For some reason I felt like she was waiting for me to call her a freak and walk away. In truth to you and myself I was a little bit surprised that she liked both genders but even if she was like that I didn't see her any different than I did when I first saw her here in the park.
I was a bit startled when Alys spoke again. “Aren't you going to laugh?” She said blinking and looking at me.
“Why would I do that?”
“Well aren't you disgusted that I like a girl? Most guys laugh and say that girls and girls don't go together so I thought that you'd ask if I was kidding. I thought that you'd ask what I really was upset about.” Alys had her mask on again either that or her sadness had been replaced with a real emotion of expectancy. I just raised an eyebrow and smirked.
“I think that your reason of being upset is true and I think that you being bi is okay. It's not like I'm against it or anything, so what if you like a girl. We all like people. Love happens even if it's one way, we still like them. If the person you like happens to be a girl then there is nothing you can do about that,” I smiled softly. Alys's eyes seem to fill with tears as though my semi conscious statement was moving to her. She blinked rapidly and sniffled a little, “Go on with you story,” she said in a small voice. 4
I searched my mind for where I left off. “Well, last month there was a girl on the bench crying. I sat down next to her and spoke to her. When she calmed down she told me why she was crying. Her mother had a new boyfriend who liked to abuse them both. She began to cry once more and I offered a shoulder. Of course Bri picked the most brilliant time to walk out of a nearby shop and spot us.
“She stormed up to us. The girl moved away from me as soon as Bri screamed my name and called the other girl similar names to what her mother's boyfriend had been calling her. The girl began to weep and Bri dumped a slushy on me saying that it was over.” Alys looked at me in wonder. “Wrong place at the wrong time?” She said. I nodded, “I still helped the girl though. We called the abuse hotline together and I helped her through it all. I'm very glad about that.”
Alys nodded, her hair bouncing. “Yeah me too, actually,” she glanced down to her wrist. “Oh my gosh! I really have to go.” She smiled at me. “It was fun though, talking with you and all.” Magazines in hand she left. I watched her keenly. She's definitely changed. That shinny strawberry blonde hair? It was never like that. It used to be frizzy, like she used to have an afro.
She used to wear glasses but now she's replaced them with contacts. Her style in clothing changed too. Any other boy with no real brains to study would think she's someone else. Even I am developing because I didn't know It was Alys until she said that she had changed. Any other boy would think that she is new to school when really she's watched us all grow up into our own individuals.
I didn't want to get up yet. I closed my eyes, not thinking much about the cold or anything really. I could hear the shuffling of leafs and the wind whispering to me. Then I heard ragged breaths and the slight limp of uneven walking in front of me. My eyes opened to see a girl with new bruises, and a black eye. Crying and robbed of breath. Her school uniform was dirty and undone, I knew her. It was Zinnia. The girl who's mother's boyfriend was abusive verbally and physically. And it absolutely broke my heart to pieces when she sobbed once she saw that I recognized her.

Wounded Hearts

“Mom?Mom!” I screamed, supporting Zinnia's weight. Mom swiveled in and gasped when she say the state Zinnia was in.
Oh my! Honey, set her down on the couch. Hurry now.” My mom helped me. Zinnia collapsed into the soft plushness of our couch. My mother left the room and came back with a first aid kit.
Mom, give just one second to breath and take this in. Please.” I crouched in front of Zinnia so she could see me. Her eyes found mine a mixture of hurt, fright, relief, and sadness swam in them slowly. “Zin, it's gonna be okay. I swear.” I rest my hand gingerly on her knee.
Thank you,” She whispered, closing her eyes.
My mom came into the room (when did she even leave?) with a bowl of warm water, washcloth and a brown bottle of stuff. My little brother trailed in after her with a bag of cotton balls.
Seth? Go into my room and find some comfortable cloths for your friend here.” I nodded and left, slightly fazed that mom didn't even ask why I brought Zinnia here. It's not I don't talk to mom about my talks with strangers (believe me I do) but I'd at least expect a “Why'd you bring home a battered girl?” Maybe I expect too much.
Scouring my mom's room made me uncomfortable. I don't like sniffing around peoples things. It's wrong. But under these circumstances I felt it necessary to push aside these feelings. Plus it was mandatory I put Zinnia in the most comfort she can possibly be with me here. I couldn't help but feel extremely mad at Zinnia's mother's ex-boyfriend. I was more than positive that Zinnia had followed through with what the person on the hotline had advised her to do. But I'm sure she didn't go looking for her mom's ex.
When I found the clothes I needed I left and flew down the stairs. Zinnia was standing her shirt sort of open so mom could check her ribs and bruises and cuts. I stopped and set them on the small table behind the couch and quietly left. I sat at the top of the stairs, I couldn't see Zinnia or my mom. My brother came to sit next to me. He had a very peculiar look on his face. We sat there doing nothing, our ears perked up to our moms voice.
Who did this to you honey?” She had asked Zinnia in a quieted voice. I could hear Zinnia sigh softly.
Who's Jake?” My mom prodded.

Jake is my moms ex boyfriend,” Zinnia answered with a tinge of hatred. “He used to live with us, mom and me, until I did something about the abusing and he was suddenly gone one day. Mom said nothing so I did nothing. Thank God and Seth.” My heart buzzed at my name.
A few weeks went by and I was walking home from the store when I say Jake. He spotted me–” Zinnia stopped. I figured that now would be a good time to go downstairs so I padded slowly so in case Zinnia was still sorta undressed I could jet back up the stairs with our being in trouble.
Zin was in the cloths that I had brought down and my mom was inspecting her face.
You poor dear,” she was saying. “Is your mom home? We're going to do something about this. I promise. I'd feel more at ease if you where to call her and let her know what happened and that you are very safe with us.” Zinnia nodded and I handed her my cell phone. She went into the hallway and while she dialed mom cleaned up and started dinner. Tom, was in the dining room table watching us.
Mom?” Tome whined
Yes dear?”
Why'd Sef beated up that girl?” Tom watched me cut cheese
Seth didn't beat her up, dear.”
Oh. Who did?” His beady eyes where still on me, I rolled my shoulders slightly. Although it wasn't like I could roll off his gaze.
Tom why don't you set the table? Extra cup for Zinnia,” My mom said to him, giving him a look so that he'd listen. Tom didn't argue his order and began getting things for the table.
Thank you mom. For everything. Especially fixing up Zin.”
You are very welcome sweetie. Is she the girl you told me about?”
Yes she is. I never expected to see her again. This is really getting to me.”
Things happen and we'll help Zinnia with her life if she'll accept it. I'm sure the police will do something about it.”
Me too.”
We wrapped up dinner (which was grilled cheese sandwiches), putting plates away and clearing up messes. Zinnia had left a message for her mother that she was staying with us for a night plus what had happened. Cell phone in hand I went upstairs to my room so I could change. While in front of the mirror I looked at me. Shaggy blonde hair, strange green eyes. I thought about how much stuff had happened today. Alys and Zinnia had been brought to me today. I was anxious to see what tomorrow would bring.

. . .
I quietly crept into the living room. Zinnia was sitting on the couch, staring mindlessly into the TV. I was glad she was comfortable here.
T'sup Zinnie? I said sitting on the love seat next to her. Her head whipped to face me.
Oh god... you scared me!” She whispered loudly, “Zinnie?” She smiled, “I like it. Thank you so much Seth. I was so relieved when I saw you there at the park. I was so scared to go home I don't know why but when Jake left me there home didn't seen the same anymore.” eyes pointed down she twisted her hands. “Plus you had helped that one day and I just wanted to find you your friend,” her lips pulled in the corner. Then she grinned wildly looking up at me.
I thought about this for a moment. “N– not that I was searching for you after the beating to be your friend!” She finally gushed. “That was before.”
Ah now that makes sense,” I laughed lightheartedly
I have friends, don't get me wrong, just they don't listen. Not like you do. They'll interrupt me mid sentence to gush over something I said, it gets very annoying. So now I pause every so often because I expect one of them to burst out with an 'OMG' or laugh.” She scoffed and I smiled putting my legs up on the ottoman. Zinnia watched me do this and unexpectedly said, “Can I put my feet in your lap?” I cocked a quizzical head. So she explained, “Sorry, it's just that I like to do things like that, be....intimate. Oh god, well not really like that but....” She let out a frustrated sigh and shook her head.
Sure,” I said. Zin looked up and half smiled. “ I get what you are trying to say. I know your type of personality, sorta, you are a very touchy-feely person. I bet you love to give hugs and expect some intimacy with a boyfriend....or girlfriend. Whichever.” I said wile she put her feet on my lap.
hmm... you're good! I do in fact love hugs and intimate is good in a boyfriend or girlfriend.” she smirked devilishly, I blushed.
Anyway, about what you said about your friends. I know how you feel about that. A couple of my fiends aren't much for listening bit it's weird. They might not listen too well yet you know they are still there when you need them most. Making them worth keeping,” I said to her, she nodded.
With you it's different,” she said, “ Being that im used to interrupting I'm so not so used to having someone just listening. When you listen you do just that, listen. You don't nod your head to make the other person know you are listening, making me feel kinda awkward.”
So I need to work on letting people know that I am listening?” I raised an eyebrow.
Yeah, you do. Otherwise people might think they're spewing to a statue or something– Stop

that!” She said giggling
I still continued to nod my head eagerly, making me dizzy to a certain point. “You mean like this?” I asked. Zinnia giggled.
Maybe just a little more subtle.” She brought her thumb and index finger together to represent 'little'.
Okay, I can handle this,” I spoke determinedly.
Zinnia began speaking about her school (It's boring) (Not my opinion, her opinion) then her mom and so on. She talked while I nodded. Slowly at first. By the end of a sentence she burst out laughing. I tried to shush her because it was late and people where sleeping.
I – I – Ah!” she laughed. I chuckled and stopped rocking out.
What?” I asked in mock offence.
Y– you in a rock vid or something?” she asked catching her breath.
You are the one who said subtly. So I did. I nodded my head slowly as if listening to classical music then I rocked out at the end.” I said indignantly. I put my elbows on Zinnia's legs and put my head into my hands. Everything felt off axis and I was sure my brain had falled out of place being that it felt like it was bouncing around, smacking against my skull. head,” I groaned.
Maybe we should do a different technique,” She smiled.
Mmhm?” She gave a sharp nod.
Mmhm?” My eyebrows met in question.
Mmmm...” I groaned. “So you want me to do that?”
Mmhm!!” She 'mmed', “Exactomundo. See how I let you know that I was listening? That's what you need to do in able–”
MMMHMM.” I mmed.
To...let someone know–”
....You're listening–”

In truth I knew how to do all this, because I goofed off she ended up laughing and not focusing on what had happened. I felt happy to see her smile. I guess I should say I like her but I barely know her. She is attractive though. Even through her shiner and bruises you can easily tell that she is beautiful. I also saw her about a month back
Zinnia had shimmery dark brown hair,it was long and it curled slightly at the bottom. She was on the short side and a bit on the skinny side. She has very good posture and looks girly when she smiled and blushed. Her face if gentle, her eyes are not quite almond shape and they where a deep brown. She had full lips that I'd last seen painted red. High cheek bones made her look slightly dangerous but when she smiled everything lights up. Once her lips pulled into a grin she seemed like the most approachable girl on earth, not a lie.
So okay, I like her. Doesn't mean that she likes me though. Why'd she like my anyway? Well...never mind. If I asked the girls at my school why they like me they'd make a list so long it'll be bigger than santa's. Of course that's an assumption. Then again you know what they say about when you assume, you make and ass out of you and me. That was bad.
Tell me I'm not beautiful,”Zinnia asked suddenly. Her cheeks reddened slightly
You're not beautiful?” I said reluctantly, eying her carefully.
Are you lying?” she smirk
Yes,” My face flared when she smiled at me.
Why'd you ask?”
Heh, my friend Robbie says that any boy who doesn't thing that I'm beautiful or any of those other petty description words they are lying.” Wow. That's something.
So you ask people if they think you're beautiful, cute, hot, pretty and what not?”
Yeah so I can find out who says I'm neither of those and prove that to Robbie that the world doesn't evolve around my 'beauty'” she air quoted beauty.
I thought for a moment, looking at the TV. “So you think you are none of these?”
Of course I do! It's just that I don't like to brag about it,” She crossed her arms
You let Robbie do it for you?”
You make it seem awful!” Zinnia covered her face with her hands.
Sorry didn't mean to. Is Robbie a boyfriend?” I hope he isn't
He wishes. I don't like bragging really. Lot's of guy friends wish I liked them more than a
friend. I don't date because I want to find the right boy.”
Zinnia had on a very thoughtful face when she said that. As though she was 5 again, thinking about her imaginary first kiss with her prince. Her smile was distant and not towards anything in particular. A few moments later she let out a yawn and clicked off the TV.
Oh woah! It's late.” the clock read 2:26am. I got up.
Off to bed then,” I said. Zinnia popped up from the couch
Erm... I hope you don't mind but can I have a hug?” She stepped closer to me, arms in front of her curving out for my body to be enclosed in them. She looked so adorable. I can see where Robbie's coming from I thought. Closing the distance I really hugged her. She came up to my chin and it felt so perfect. As if she was fitted for this hug in particular. Zin felt so fragile in my arms, it was the most amazing hug I've ever had, it even beats the mother hug.
We pulled away. I began to leave but stopped when I got to the base of the stairs. “Uh, Zinnie?”
How'll you know when you find the right guy?”
Y'know, I'm not sure but I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe, he'll find me.” And with that I said goodnight and continued upstairs. Heart beating mercilessly.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This is for you baby

I can't stand another night,
without you.
Everything don't seem,
like they used to be,
Between you and me.
I'm missin' your love.

I need your love, your passion.
The love that's ever lastin'
I'm missing your love.

And it's true,
that i love you.
and it's true,
you're the only one.
and i do,
i adore you.
and it's true,
you make me feel alive.

you say that 
I'm your only one.
now i've done it,
i feel numb.
tell me,
where did we go wrong?

You where my bestfriend 
and boyfriend.
Now it seems like you're my worst friend.

I gotta do soul searchin'
without you I'm a whole different person.
I ain't acting like i used to.
I don't feel love like i used to.
It was your love i was used to.
Why did i have to lose,
your love?

Your love is what it was.
That had me feeling buzzed.
you are my true love.

I feel bad that i lost you 
I got so many things to say.
I guess that it means,
that I'm missin you.
Sorry for all the things that i put you through.
I'm so god damned lost with out you

Come find me....

I'm missin you....

And your love.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why Girls Like Guys

A Few Reasons Why Girls like Guys
  1. The way they act around you.
  2. How they look when they ask you out.
  3. The way they show up at your door after a fight.
  4. The way they let you into their heart when they trust you.
  5. The way they look when you catch them staring.
  6. How they smile at you.
  7. The way they hug you till you let go.
  8. How they defend you from rude remarks.
  9. How one kiss can change the world.
  10. The way they look when they think of you.
  11. The crazy things the do just to impress you.
  12. How they compliment you on things you didn't notice.
  13. The way they try their best to be 'perfect'.
  14. The way they'd do anything to see you smile at them.
  15. The way they text you in the middle of the night to say 'I love you'.
  16. The way they play with your hair, just because.
  17. How the notes randomly appear on your desk or in your locker.
  18. How whey get flustered on a date.
  19. How they don't know how to dance (Some boys)
  20. the way they are desperate to make up after a fight.
  21. The way he calls you when he says he would.
  22. The way you feel when he holds your hand.
  23. How cute he looks when you embarrass him.
  24. The way he holds you when you haven't seen each other in forever.
  25. The way he holds you when you have to leave.
  26. The way he hold you, period.
  27. The way he'll pop up when you need him most...and even when you don't.
  28. The way he reads your mind when your upset.
  29. The way he says 'I love you', and how he shows it to prove it.

Why Guys Like Girls

A Few Reasons Why Guys Like Girls
  1. They always smell good, even if it's just shampoo.
  2. The way they always find the right spot on your shoulder.
  3. The ease at which they fit in your arms.
  4. The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world.
  5. How cute they are when they eat.
  6. The way the take hours to dress, but in the end it is all worth it.
  7. Because they are always warm, even when it is minus 30 degrees outside.
  8. The way they look good no matter what they wear.
  9. The way they fish for compliments.
  10. How cute they are when they argue.
  11. The way their hand always find yours.
  12. The way they smile.
  13. The way you feel when you see their name on the caller ID after you just had a big fight.
  14. The way they say “let's not fight anymore,” even though you know an hour later....
  15. The way the kiss you after you do something nice for them.
  16. The way they kiss you after you say 'I love you'.
  17. Actually, just the way they kiss you.
  18. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt.
  19. The way the apologize when it does hurt.(even though we don't admit it.)
  20. The way they say “I miss you.”
  21. The way you miss them.
  22. The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt them anymore.


The bombs go off
The troops they march

People flee, the heaven
the terror

Two sides, USA and Afghanistan
At war. We need to stop

But they did the wrong
the intimidated us.

Now they're getting what they asked for
Now they get the same treatment

To us war is the answer
we need to fight for out peace

But to me,
I want our troops home

I'm willing to stand in front of
those marching troops.

A girl
Who wants her father home
Hear me.
That's all I'm asking.


I lie underneath a flowering tree,
It's pink and lavender petals dance to the ground.
As the warm breeze flows,
I lie, watching happily at the performance.

There are more trees around, all the same as the one above me.
The breeze wisps their petals afloat.
Seeming like it is raining flower petals,
I reach out and open my palm,
Closing my eyes,
I feel the petals kiss my palm ever so slightly.

The perfume of the flowering buds is so wonderful.
I smile and open my eyes,
A boy,
A soft smile as he lays his hand on my palm.

Dancing around,
With the flower petals accompanying us,
As we smile and dance to a song only we can hear.
Slowing to a stop as we look out at the rain of petals,
And slowly gliding to a crystal clear pond.
He throws a rock.

“Ripples out from the center,” He says.
“Just like our love,”I whisper.
“Just like our love,”He echos
as he leans in to kiss me.



Together they are
Unhappy, complicated
Apart from him she wants
Leaving him and others devastated
Leaving her the one to blame
for bringing to the fallen;pain.
Being the bad,the one to shame.

What is there to do,
when love isn't true
Than just to be happy
it's not happening to you
To carry all the debt and feel all the blame
That would probably put the innocent to shame
a broken heart takes time to heal
and time is what I've, what we've ran out of.

Science Fiction Story Start

 Some how they knew. My parents knew something was going to happen. Something bad. When I was four my parents put me into the car and told me that it was okay. But I knew it wasn't okay, it's not okay when they say it is but you see in their eyes and tears that it clearly isn't.
“It's okay Sydney, it's okay don't worry. Everything is going to be fine,” my mother had said.
I nodded, I would do anything to please my parents. Not knowing what was going on I lay across the seats looking out he windows, hurtling to an unknown destination.

Eventually the car stopped, its automatic door opened and I tentatively took a step out. A big ship in front of me. Slowly I walked towards it. My dress brushing my ankles. The ship was bigger than anything I've ever seen. My pink shoe touched the metal rim of the walkway ascending up into the huge structure. I walk up the ramp, a boy who was at the top stared at me with wide green eyes.
“What?” I said, the boy glanced behind him, bit his lip. A single tear fell from his eye. He sniffled, “Mom,” he whispered and slowly walked away. Rubbing his eyes.

Romeo & Juliet

You play Romeo,
I play Juliet.
We waltz into a dream,
That we'll never forget.

I wait on my balcony,
Calling out to you.
The full moon sheds its light,
Staining the night deep blue.

My eyes fall upon yours,
A smile painted on our lips.
You climb up swiftly,
And greet me with a gentle kiss.

You cradle me in your arms.
Our hearts beat as one.
Not wanting the night to die.
To the rising sun.

You kiss me goodbye,
And tell me not to forget,
That I'd be back in your arms,
Right after sunset.



The moon shines its light
Like a waterfall of might
As I look up
At the bright full moon

Dew glistening in the moons path
And the night silent,and dark
Lest the moonlit surface of the earth
And my heart

Your hand slips into mine
Hands eagerly intertwined
A smile pulls at our lips

A moonlit love,
Blessed by the full moons light
As it gently kisses out bodies

In a moonlit world, everything is different
Moonlight is where I long to be
Along with you
An adventure, it would be

We stand together
In our piece of forever
Inside our moonlit world, and love


Heartless Reasons

My utterly heartless reasons
from an utterly heartless girl
who though that the one she loved
could be her only world.

With my ultra lame reasons why
I had to break your heart
tear myself apart,
just to make me wanna die.

My feelings changed
Which is lame.
Because I thought I loved you forever
I felt that I would
do anything I could
to keep out hearts together.

But in the end
I began to bend
That's when I tripped and fell
all my feelings felt for you
spiraling down to hell

While I am here, near to tears
Because it is this that I feared.
Now we're split, that is it
Feelings now memories.


Engulfs me,
My body my soul.
They say thing like this don't happen.
All the lies that I've told
All the feeling I've torn
All the secrets I've spoke
But all the love I give
All the smiled I show
All the feelings I've fixed
the light is coming back to me.
I've got to open my eyes....

For what seems like...forever...

Atom Bomb

I'm on the ground
looking up

The planes, they fly
They drop a thing

Not big in size
Quite small, as it drops in the air.

In mid air
A cloud comes up.

Big noise
I can hear.

Tears, fill my eyes.

We're hurt, and hit.
Now what do we do?

5ive Things I Love About You

Number one is your smile,
Making my heart leap for miles.

Number two is your eyes,
Gazing in, as time flies.

Number three is your touch,
Any contact is a rush(!!).

Number four is your personality,
Willing to try,hard worker yet so funny.

Number five is that you're mine,
I think about you all the time.

Crossed Out

This is what I call an unborn poem. I never got around to finish them because I thought them terrible. Although I am sure you can find the beauty I could not in them. It isn't much but it's still something.

Look, you've poisoned me.
What else do I have to say?
Got me thinking about you,
every single day.

Your love for me is toxic.
But to me it's poison.
To others they'd me dead.
Let's just get the picture outta our heads.

But what about me?
Got enough love to fill the sea.
Lemme write it as a gift card:

HEY! It's from me!
Dragon's got your princess locked up in a tower
I look out the window, just to pass hours.
But I gotta tell you there's not much to see.
Sure I wouldn't care where I'm at as long as your with me.

We could be out in the ocean
Spending night's eating fish.
Or we could be in paradise and I grant your every wish.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I wish

I wish I could drink a magic potion and
Shrink way down till I was small
enough to fit right into his
shirt pocket and live
there tucked near to
hi heart listening
to it beat in
rhythm with
mine every
minute of

-- Sonya Sones    7/22/10

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Deleted scenes from a fantasy story i tried to write. After each ~~~ means I re-start the story.

I sat still in front of my mother, Queen Charlotte, as she brushed my hair.
"Mother, why do I have to be married off?" I asked one night, my mother preparing me for dinner.
"Well, I don't want to marry you off, my child, but your father wants a suitable husband for you, the the meaning behind all of these dinners with all those dukes and princes. So he can see whom you like and he likes." Queen Charlotte pulled the silver brush through my silky mouse brown hair. 
I woke up one morning, to find that it was snowing outside. Laughing I throw open my balcony door and danced around in the falling snow. My night gown swirling around my ankles. I could feel a pair of eyes on me below. I slowly stopped twirling and looked down, a young boy as young as me, gazed up at me on his black stallion.
I found him rude as he stared at me blankly. “My lady! My lady, please come back inside!” I whipped my head around to see my servant,Kit, beckoning me to come inside. I stole a quick glance downward from my balcony before I went inside. The boy was gone.

Easing into one of my father's tunics he requested for me. I grabbed my dagger and placed it at my waist and my long bow and quivers. Meeting my instructor, Garan, I strode onto the practice field.
“Good morning, my lady.”Garan pulled out his long bow, notching in a quiver and smoothly shot it out. Hitting the dummy on the field.
“Good morning, Garan” I shot a quiver, hitting a dummy in the head, satisfied I redid another shot.
I practiced my archery even after Garan left. For pleasure I took my dagger out and flung it expertly at the dummy. It protruded into the spot its heart would be. I went up to the dummy and retrieved my dagger. Moments later an arrow took place in the slot my daggers blade was, inches from my nose.
I turned, slightly shaken and angry, to face the boy I had seen that same morning. I stode over to him, heat licking up my neck with anger. When I reached him I shot my hand out to slap him but he caught my hand effortlessly.
We stood that way for a moment too long, my wrist in his hand. I brought my fist to get him in the gut. I made contact and the next thing I knew my back is facing him and my and my arms painfully pinned to my back, chest open and vulnerable.
“You could have killed me!” I screeched, struggling against him.
“But I didn't, did I, my lady,” the boy said above me, his voice seductive, I didn't like his voice at all. His defensive skills were impressive. I took a deep breath and sighed, he didn't kill me and at least he showed some respect by it and by calling me lady. I stopped struggling and he released me.
I turned to face him, contemplating if I should attack again, he saw the plan brewing behind my eyes and shifted ever so lightly to protect himself of any further abuse to his body. I quickly rid myself of the thought, seeing that I would again be put back at his feet in anger and humiliation. I looked at him, his golden hair in his face and his gray eyes gazing upon my flushed face. His strong structure and seemingly sculpted lips were none other than perfect. This boy was impossibly handsome.
“I am princess Libbia Levington. Forgive me for my rudeness in fighting you,” I curtly said, Bowing slightly, lying through my teeth. The boy swiftly took my hand, “I am prince Matthew Creg. Forgive me for my rudeness in startling you.” he gently kissed my hand, small and slightly shaking. I could only hope that he did not notice.
“Prince?” I said, “Prince of whom?”
“Prince, my lady, of Shaddin”

I was only 10 when I met him, now I stand before a mirror in a deep purple gown. My mouse brown curls bounced and shined at my shoulders the rest atop my head. The purple dress was tight and fitted my curves perfectly, but I am still not used to all this dress up nonsense my father puts me through, so I felt a bit uncomfortable. The design on the dress was lovely and it brought out my usually frightening eyes the color of blue. A deep blue, unnatural, as some call it. Beautiful and mysterious, as Matthew said to me. I smiled and twirled in my dress.
I turn 16 today. I dances and twirled, a pair of arms gathered me, I looked up to find Prince Matthew of Shaddin readied for my party. I playfully kissed his cheek and he kisses mine. A friendly exchange.
“Why you look ravishing today, my lady,” Matthew said, spinning me.
“Oh please, my prince, you look equally as handsome as I.”
“You know that's a lie,” he growled. We laughed and I punched him in the gut and ran off listening to his laughter as he chased after me.
People were coming into my father's castle and into the Great Ballroom. Hours later Prince Matthew and I where dancing to the fast music, twirling, swinging, laughing. Many people thought us as a couple, or even lovers but really we were best friends, like sister and brother. Matthew was kicked out of his own country and he wanted to get away from his father, as far as he could get, so he came here to the Fray. My father's kingdom. My father welcomed him with open arms and treated him as his own. At first I was deeply shy and intimidated of Matthew but I warmed up and talked with him more and played with him more as we grew up.
Libby Levingtom sat on a chair on her balcony outside her bedchambers, running a silver brush through her mouse brown hair. The Autumn breeze wrapping her slender body with a welcoming chill. Libby looked out among her father's kingdom. A vacant look on her face, soon enough she will be summoned my her father's squire to remind her of the grand dinner tonight. She was not the least bit pleased with going.
“Lady?” Quipped Libby's servant Felicity.
“Yes?” Libby's pink lips moved smoothly with her voice.
“Pardon me for interrupting. I must prepare you for tonight's dinner.”Libby simly nodded, annoyed with her father's dinners. Even Libby's mother, the Queen, enjoyed it.
After being cleaned and clothed in a gorgeous gown, Libby stood in front of a mirror. Her brown hair in curls at her shoulders, some of it tied behind her head as a wreath, a deep blue jewel hung at the base of her throat, a gift from her father when she had turned sixteen, not too long ago. The light green dress she wore, was simple yet extravagant on her. It cut low on the lacy bodice and hugged her body comfortably.
Libby took a moment to study her face, her lips stained red for tonight and her eyes some how grabbed her attention, the unnatural color of her blue eyed portrayed shock in most men. Libby blicked and sighed. For the first time that day, she left her room to join her father and the poor Lord, Duke, or Price he thought worthy of her hand in marriage.

Gliding through her father's castle Libby thought of an excuse to leave tonight's dinner, a headache, she supposed but felt as if she has over used that one, bellyache? Overused. With a huff Libby limply pushed open the door and strode in with a false smile on her face.
“Why,my father, what charming lord have you brought to my feet this time?” Libby said, looking at her father, his green eyes joyful and his golden hair shining underneath his gold crown like a halo.
“Only the best, my sweet. The best in all my kingdom of the Fray!” he boomed where he sat the the end of the Great Table.
“You're too modest, my King, please, I'm not the best in the Fray.” A deep velvet like voice mused behind Libby. She whirled around, her curls spreading out, to face a handsome yet dark boy of about seventeen winters. The dark boy grabbed hold of her right hand and gently kissed her fingers, “my lady.” he whispered seductively, as hid gray eyes looked up at her from her tingling finger tips.
Libby could feel the heat licking at her neck and face. The young lord smiled slightly, she saw, before she strode down the length of the Great Table to sit next to her father, soon after the lord sat next to her. Almost immediately the rest of the quests flowed in like a rushing river, taking seat after seat until the Great Table was filled the room was loud with the voices of those who sat at it. Libby could feel the presence of the lord next to her as she sipped her wine carefully. To her left her father stood up and the Great Hall quieted, Libby whispered a thanks to God for reliving her from a monstrous headache for later.
“Fellow friends of the Fray and beyond, I welcome you to the Great Dinner tonight to present my daughter, Princess Libby, and her guest, Prince Matthew of Shaddin!” The Great Hall erupted with applause as the King gestured for Libby and Matthew to stand. The lord beside Libby stood. He was a prince! Not a lord, Prince of Shaddin, lord Price has come a long way to the Fray to see Princess Libby.
After her father's embarrassing introduction, Libby faced Prince Matthew. Her blue eyes wide with curiosity, she met his gray eyes and almost gasped at the intensity of his gaze, she blinked.
“Lord Prince, forgive me for staring,I- my manners have slipped for the moment,” Libby flustered, she stared at her lap instead.
“Forgiven, Lady Libby,” Lord Price said, his seductive voice filling her ears as she savored the sound. Cheeks growing read she sipped at her wine again, the feel of her guest's eyes on her like a cat. Disturbed by being watched like that she glanced at him.
“Please stop watching me like that!” she hissed, locking eyes with him.
“Like what,” He cocked an eyebrow, “my lady?”
“Like I'd kill you the moment you turn your back, Lord Prince.”
“Oh?” He seemed amused. “I see I've distressed you,” He offered no apology, the nerve.
“Yes, Lord Price, you have.” He must have been blind could he not see her fuming, the rudeness irked her.
“I've come a long way to see you, my lady”
“Is that so?” Libby said tersely
“Indeed it is, wonder why I've come to you?”
“Why else? Like all the other fools, to ask for my hand in marriage. Well you can forget it.”
“No my lady.” Libby was taken aback, not here for her hand?
“No?!” Libby instantly closed her mouth, her manners herself seemed to not be present.
“Why else are you here then, Lord Prince?” Libby pressed, anxious about his answer.
“To protect you,” Prince Matthew answered in a tone Libby was displeased of.
“Haven't I enough protection? Prince Matthew? With my father's army at my command to fight to save my life?” Libby narrowed her eyes. She felt uneasy about this Prince Matthew